Scientists recently discovered a new exoplanet, named Kepler-1649c, which is similar to Earth in size and temperature. This finding boosts hopes for finding potentially habitable worlds.

Scientists recently discovered a new exoplanet, named Kepler-1649c, which is similar to Earth in size and temperature. This finding boosts hopes for finding potentially habitable worlds.

Scientists recently discovered a new exoplanet, named Kepler-1649c, which is similar to Earth in size and temperature. This finding boosts hopes for finding potentially habitable worlds.

TN Scientists recently discovered a new exoplanet, named Kepler-1649c, which is similar to Earth in size and temperature. This finding boosts hopes for finding potentially habitable worlds.

Former Dutch PM dies with darling

Die with dignity

  • Dries van Agt, a Dutch politician and former prime minister of the Netherlands who became a pro-Palestinian activist later in life, died on 5th February at 93 in his hometown, Nijmegen.
  • And he did not die alone. He died hand in hand with his wife, Eugenie, also 93, in a joint act of euthanasia, according to The Rights Forum, an organization he founded that is dedicated to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Mr. van Agt was prime minister from 1977 to 1982 as a conservative member of the centrist Christian Democratic Appeal party. He did advance some progressive laws, however, playing a crucial role, for example, in the decriminalization of the use of cannabis. He continued to move toward the political left later in life.
  • His political life was not without strife. He clashed with the Dutch parliament in 1972, when, as justice minister, he wanted to pardon three Germans who were serving life sentences in prison after being convicted of war crimes in World War II.
  • Die on your own will

  • Definition of Euthanasia varies from country to country. It refers to a practice where life is ended intentionally to relieve pain and suffering. There are few countries where legalities on Euthanasia is pretty clear. Countries like Australia, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain and Portugal have legalized Euthanasia.
  • They include respecting the autonomy of individuals, acknowledging the right to die with dignity, and recognizing the importance of alleviating unbearable suffering.
  • While euthanasia remains illegal in the US, in five states in the country, doctors are allowed to prescribe lethal doses of medicine to terminally ill. In 2013, roughly 300 terminally ill Americans were prescribed lethal medications, and around 230 people died as a result of taking them.
  • Editor’s Note

    India distinguishes between active and passive Euthanasia. Administration of lethal compounds are still illegal in India. The development of laws to allow euthanasia or assisted dying must be handled carefully.


    #euthanasia #dutchprimeminister #netherlands